I’m sure your left thumb is painted in sliver… Are you checking it?


Hell, it’s April Fools’ Day.

I recall this day, in my school days we used to make a plan and play tricks in finding a fool and call him “APRIL FOOL !”. Beginning with the assembly in the daytime to the dawn we used to get tired by making and becoming a fool. As Mark Twain said, “this is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four”, this day will decide what we are in front of our friends. Pranks are always fun until played against us. I cursed this day many times, cause that was how I used to get bowled with the tricks.

“Actually, April 1st is not a bad day, I don’t follow the horoscope though, It is the day a new financial year begins, a new budget is proposed. It is the day which brings the summer vacation closer”   

The practice of Fool’s day Pranks had gathered popularity during the 18th century throughout Britain in Scotland. It was a two-day event starting with “hunting the Gowk” and followed by the “Tailie Day”. These days, it has become an immense fun day, though no holiday. We take up the charge of social media in spreading up this event.

The root of this event is still a mystery, though three historical events could relate to April fool’s Day.

·       Gregorian Calendar

One among largely accepted theories is the Gregorian calendar. In 1563, France has switched to Gregorian Calendar from Julian Calendar. Julian Calendar is also called The Hindu Calendar, in which, the new year begins from 1st April but the Gregorian Calendar started the year from 1st January. Those who had celebrated the new year on 1st April were called to be the fools.

“In the Indian Tradition, the festival (Ugadi, Gudi Padwa, Samvatsaradi) was celebrated as the New Year’s Day in April, the dates are based on the horoscopes”

·       Hilaria

 Another link to April Fools’ Day is the ancient festival followed in ancient Rome by the cult of Cybele. In this festival, the people used to get dressed to disguise their fellow citizens and mock them on that day. These include magistrates and higher officials.

·       Vernal Equinox

Another ancient belief gets a sting attached to April Fools’ Day is Vernal Equinox, which depicts Mother Nature fooling people with unpredictable weather (changes).



So whatsoever, I have made my friend a fool today (April 1st), you carry on with your friends and share your Prank story.  






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